Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Our services

Farm support


During daily work, your team will encounter all kinds of challenges. Our experienced consultants are there to support you and your team with regular visits and online coaching.

We offer yearly consultancy packages to support your team executing your performance improvement roadmap. The package includes planned farm visits and regular online coaching.

We offer two types of consultancy packages:

New farm start-up package

Starting up a new farm takes planning and preparation
We can train your people at an existing farm before the new farm goes into operation. But still there will be lots of challenges in starting up the new farm. 

Our Start-up Consultancy package will help your team during the first year. It consists of 4-6 visits of 5 days, including the start-up week and 2-weekly online support sessions. The image below is an example of how support and training are integrated in the performance roadmap for the start-up of new farms.

Performance improvement package

The performance roadmap is designed to achieve significant improvements in 12 months. Besides training your staff, support during execution is an important aspect. During daily work, your team will encounter all kinds of challenges. Our experienced consultants are there to support you and your team with regular visits or online coaching. 

Our Performance Improvement Consultancy package consists of 6 farm visits of 5 days and 2-weekly online support sessions during one year

Online experts sessions

Although our consultants and trainers have a lot of experience, knowledge and skills, it’s impossible for them to be specialists on every topic. Depending on the challenges your team is facing, we can organize online expert meetings with specialists from the industry to give your team some additional support when executing a farm start-up or performance improvement plan. 

Considering our large international network, we will always be able to find the right specialist to provide additional specialized knowledge to help you solve issues or find solutions for challenges.


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET