Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

“Your pigs tell you everything you need to know to improve your daily management. You just need to know what to look for…”

Gerjan Huisman, Pig Signals consultant and trainer
Welcome to The Pig Signals Company

Your roadmap to improved pig farm performance

The Pig Signals Company is your partner in improving pig farm performance. Following the famous Dutch Pig Signals approach, our experienced consultants and trainers help you set up and execute an improvement roadmap, tailored to your needs. With dedication, extensive know how and practical experience, we create a predictable route to better performance on your farms. Avoiding unrealistic goals and disappointment.

About The Pig Signals Company

Performance excellence 'the Dutch way'

The Dutch pig industry is globally acknowledged for it’s performance excellence. That’s where our renowned Pig Signals concept was founded. Based on animal oriented management, combined with state of the art technology and tools.

Our consultants and trainers have made their mark in the Dutch industry. You can take advantage of their vast knowledge and experience.

Our consultancy services and training programs are designed to help you understand your farm’s strengths and weaknesses. We will create a roadmap towards better performance and support you during execution.

Years of experience
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What we offer

Our services

quickscan bewerkt
Performance Quickscan

Our performance quickscan is the first step towards improvement. We analyse your farm's current performance and identify areas for improvement. We then create a customized roadmap to achieve better performance.


Our experienced trainers help you and your team develop the skills and knowledge needed to execute your improvement roadmap and achieve better performance on your farm.


During daily work, your team will encounter all kinds of challenges in executing the roadmap. Our experienced consultants are there to support you and your team with regular visits or online coaching.

Our values

Why You Should Choose Us

At The Pig Signals Company, we are committed to helping you achieve better performance on your farm. Here are some of the benefits of working with us:

Customized and realistic

Based on our Performance Quickscan, we work closely with you to develop a customized roadmap to improve performance on your farm. Step by step, to avoid unrealistic goals and disappointment.


Our consultants and trainers are experts with practical experience. They are (former) pig farmers or technical advisors. We don't just give advice and leave. We roll up our sleeves to get the job done.


Although we cooperate with a lot of industry suppliers, we are independent. Always aiming for the best results for our clients. We will also bring independency to your team, equiping them with a strong foundation of knowledge and skills to make responsible decisions themselves. This will boost performance, without being dependent on us all the time.

Our Journey

The story of Pig Signals

Our journey into the world of pig farming began two decades ago with the publication of the first Pig Signals book. Little did we know that this would be the beginning of a success story that has taken us to every corner of the world…

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Our people

Meet Our Team

Janneke Janssens en Ton van Schie
Janneke Janssens

Director and consultant

Marc Kuypers


Gerjan Huisman

consultant and trainer

Janet Vrielink

Financial controller


Frequently Asked Questions

The Dutch Pig Signals approach is a proven method for improving pig farm performance. It focuses on understandig the pig’s biology and behavior and detect signals for (sub)optimal performance. Combined with a thorough understandig of the management process and technology & tools, this will help you to optimize productivity and enhance farm performance and profitability.

Our training and consultancy services are designed to not only support your team in the present, but to set them up for future success as well. Our goal is to empower your team with the necessary knowledge and skills to take ownership of their work and consistently strive for improvement, without having to turn to us all the time. This will take time and energy at the start, but you will benefit in the long run!

Our training program consists of several modules, focussing on the different stages of production. We always start with the Pig Signals Basics module, to create a solid knowledge foundation regarding animal biology and behavior and the farming process. We will then continue with focussing on specific stages of production (i.e. farrowing, reproduction, etc.), depending on your farm’s challenges deriving from the Performance Quickscan. Training always includes theory and on farm practice.

We offer Pig Signals presentations and workshops to level up the practical knowledge of your team by diving deep into the process of your customers. This will make your employees better sparringpartners to your clients. We also offer presentations for conferences and seminars.

Our Performance Quickscan consists of an assessment of your pig farm’s current performance. Our consultants will visit your farm to get a good real-time impression. They will also analyze technical data, SOP’s and manuals and talk to the management about current and desired performance. Based on all information gathered, they will write a recommendations report that identifies areas for improvement. The Performance Quickscan will be the foundation for the customized roadmap towards performance improvement.

Before we start working with you, we will always plan a free online meeting to get acqainted. During this meeting, we are curious to learn more about you and your company and what made you contacting us. We will also give a general outline on what we can offer. If there’s mutual trust, we will create you a specfic offer for our services. Contact us via or click the APPOINTMENT button at the top of the page.

We take biosecurity seriously and implement strict measures to prevent the spread of diseases and infections when working on farms. We also expect our clients to take that responsibility. In general a quarantine period before starting consultancy or training is applicable.

Contact Us

We are curious about you!

Do you also want to meet us? Contact us to plan an online meeting.



Become an Expert With Us

We can’t wait to roll up our sleeves and get started. 


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET