Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Our services

Farm Training

On demand
Target group

Farm management, farm workers


1-3 days per module, depending on level and challenges

Group size

6-10 people

Our Pig Signals Farm Training program provides practical training and skills development to help you and your team become more effective in managing your pig farm. Farm training is a valuable part of your roadmap towards performance improvement. Depending on the recommendations from the Performance Quickscan, we can select specific training modules to support development of knowledge and skills for your team. 

The training program consists of three levels:

Other training options:

Online Masterclass

We can organize an online Masterclass for senior farm management and technical farm management to become more aware of challenges and solutions to work towards a better performance.

An online Masterclass in general would consist of 8 sessions of 2 hours each covering the following subjects: insights in the performance of the Dutch pig industry, challenges and solutions at different stages of production (gilt rearing, farrowing, weaning, reproduction, gestation, finishing), biosecurity management. Maximum group size 100 attendees.

Masterclass in The Netherlands

A group of maximum 10 senior farm managers will visit The Netherlands for 2 weeks. The subjects of the Online Masterclass will be presented, with real company visits and farm visits as an added value. We can also create a tailored program.

After the visit, all attendants write their own personal development plan, as a guideline for improvement at their own farm. They will present their plan to the group and our experts during an online session two weeks after they have returned home.

Industry workshop

Are you a supplier of equipment or services to the pig industry? Then you want your employees to deliver the best possible service to your clients. We offer Pig Signals presentations and workshops to level up the practical knowledge of your team and dive deep into the process of your customers. Whether you’re a supplier of barn equipment, farmaceuticals or feed: we can help your team to become better sparringpartners to the farmers they serve.


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET