Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Our services

Performance Quickscan

On demand

1-3 days in general, depending on farm size


Quarantine period might be applicable and is not included in the 1-3 days.

Before starting an improvement plan on farm level, it’s essential that we assess the current situation and discover both quick wins and options for more structural improvements. 

During the Performance Quick Scan we will visit the farm and have a farm tour during the normal working process. We will assess the animals (behavior, health, way of housing), the technology used and the working process. We will also analyze existing SOP’s and manuals and have a discussion with the farm management about current and desired KPI’s, challenges and labor organization. 

After this visit, we will write a report addressing both quick wins and recommendations for structural improvement on three crucial aspects. We will have an online meeting with your representatives to discuss and explain our findings.

Depending on the size of the farm, the Performance Quickscan in general will take 1-3 days, potential quarantine days excluded.


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET