Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Our team

Our people

Meet Our Team

Janneke Janssens en Ton van Schie
Janneke Janssens

Director and consultant

Janneke Janssens has 25 years of experience in the pig industry of which 10 years as an entrepreneur. She has honed her skills as a knowledge transfer professional and has a vast network of industry professionals. As a dedicated partner of a pig farmer, Janneke has an intimate understanding of the challenges the industry faces, which has helped her develop strategies for improving overall performance without losing the focus on daily practice.

Marc Kuypers


Marc Kuypers has over 35 years of experience as a business consultant and entrepreneur, specialized in finance, strategy and change management. As the son of a butcher, he experienced the value of quality pork since his childhood. With his developed expertise on knowledge transfer and special interest in technology, he is always looking for ways to make learning and development more effective. 

Gerjan Huisman

Consultant and trainer

Gerjan Huisman has 25 years of experience in the pig industry. He used to be a succesful pig farmer himself, for many years. After he sold his farm in 2013, Gerjan decided to dedicate his time to transferring his expertise to other farmers globally.
He’s a hands-on expert at all stages of production and a specialist in setting up and executing batch management systems. Last but not least he also has excellent interpersonal skills to motivate your team!

Janet Vrielink

Financial controller

As our dedicated administrative link, Janet Vrielink seamlessly oversees all invoicing, bookkeeping, and other critical administrational tasks. She ensures all our financial processes are carried out in a timely and effective manner and is used to working with clients in different parts of the world. We can count on her to keep our administrative and accounting activities running smoothly, allowing us to focus on delivering our best work to our clients.

Our network

We work with the best experts from the field

Besides our core team, we have a large network of the best pig farming experts from the field. Some of them are former pigfarmers, some of them have made their mark as technival advisors. They have one thing in common: their approach is practical and they speak the language of your team. Depending on region, customer challenges and subject we will select the most suitable expert for you.

Batch management
Breeding and reproduction
Animal health
Gilt rearing

Contact us

Curious what we can do for you? Contact us to plan a first free online meeting. Whether you’re a farmer, integrator or supplier to the pig industry, we’re open to discuss options to help you and your team towards improved performance. 


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET