Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Our services

To farmers

Roadmap to improved pig farm performance

Following the famous Dutch Pig Signals approach, our experienced consultants and trainers help you set up and execute an improvement roadmap, tailored to your needs. With dedication, extensive know how and practical experience, we create a predictable route to better performance on your farms. Avoiding unrealistic goals and disappointment.

quickscan bewerkt
Performance Quickscan

Our performance quickscan is the first step towards improvement. We analyse your farm's current performance and identify areas for improvement. We then create a customized roadmap to achieve better performance.


Our experienced trainers help you and your team develop the skills and knowledge needed to execute your improvement roadmap and achieve better performance on your farm.


During daily work, your team will encounter all kinds of challenges in executing the roadmap. Our experienced consultants are there to support you and your team with regular visits or online coaching.

To the industry

Industry presentations and workshops

Are you a supplier of equipment or services to the pig industry? Then you want your employees to deliver the best possible service to your clients. We offer Pig Signals presentations and workshops to level up the practical knowledge of your team and dive deep into the process of your customers. Whether you’re a supplier of barn equipment, farmaceuticals or feed: we can help your team to become better sparringpartners to the farmers they serve.

Pig Signals Basics workshop

During this workshop, we will take a first step into the world of Pig Signals. What do the animals tell us if you take a closer look? And how can we use this in our management in daily practice? This workshop is preferably given on farm, to immediately bring theory into practice!

Pig Signals Essentials workshop

During a Pig Signals Essentials workshop, we dive deeper into a specific stage of production (i.e. farrowing, reproduction, weaning). What are the minimum requirements for succesful production at this stage, how do we detect suboptimal performance and what can we do about it? This workshop is preferably given on farm, to immediately bring theory into practice!

Seminar or conference presentation

Are you organizing a seminar or industry conference? We're happy to give a presentation about Pig Signals in general, or more specified towards a certain subject. Contact us to discuss the options!

Contact us

Curious what we can do for you? Contact us to plan a first free online meeting. Whether you’re a farmer, integrator or supplier to the pig industry, we’re open to discuss options to help you and your team towards improved performance. 


Heselbergherweg 62, 6821 JS Arnhem, The Netherlands

Mon - Fri : 9 am - 6pm CET